Postagens de Rogue Scholar

Publicados in Syntaxus baccata

After about two years, finally v0.4.0 is ready for a release. Whether it is a real milestone given that there have been prereleases for about two years, while 0.3.x only lasted three weeks, is for you to decide but I am glad that everything I planned for this version is implemented now. Changes So, let’s go through the major changes. Modules Most importantly, the code is fully modulated now.

Publicados in Syntaxus baccata

I am in the process of creating a better way to map CSL types to Wikidata types together with Jakob Voß, and while listing all subtypes of web page, I came across a number of these cases (link): #defaultView:Graph SELECT ?a ?aLabel ?b ?bLabel WHERE { wd:Q58803899 wdt:P279* ?a . ?a wdt:P279 ?b . FILTER EXISTS { ?b wdt:P279* wd:Q386724 . } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". } } I’m no expert on

Publicados in Syntaxus baccata

I finished the General Plugin system for Citation.js a few days ago (more on that later), so I could finally publish a new beta release. Now, after that half-finished piece of code had been blocking other work for a long while, I can at last start… fixing bugs, and closing other items in the backlog. One of the items that has been on the backlog for a long time, and was on the backlog of the previous major version too, was sorting out BibJSON.

Publicados in OpenCitations blog

Good news!  Today, on January 16th 2018, Oxford University Press (OUP) announced its participation in the Initiative for Open Citations, and requested Crossref to turn on reference sharing for all OUP deposited references from more than half a million publications.  Oxford University Press is the largest university press in the world, publishing in 70 languages and 190 countries.

Publicados in Syntaxus baccata

It’s been a while. Really. But now it’s back, with a new release: v0.4.0-0, the v0.4 beta. Below I explain some of the changes in this release, and then the road-map of Citation.js for v0.4 and v0.5. Also, Citation.js has a DOI now: Also, @jsterlibs tweeted about Citation.js. Release Input plugins The main change in this release, is the addition of input plugins. This is the first step towards releasing v0.4, as explained below.

Publicados in Syntaxus baccata

Finally, Citation.js supports DOIs. It took a while, but it’s finally there. One big ‘but’: synchronous fetching doesn’t work in Chrome. I’m still looking into that, but I should be recommending you to use Cite.async() anyway. Also in this blog post: more stability in Cite#get(), a welcome byproduct of using the DOI API, and looking forward (again). DOI support So, DOIs. That was (and is) a though one. Let me guide you through the process.

Publicados in Syntaxus baccata

I worked on updates for Citation.js in the past few weeks, and I thought I'd go over them in this post. Async First of all, Citation.js now has support for asynchronous parsing, so it won't lag your app as much when it uses e.g. the Wikidata API. This is good, as synchronous requests are not only blocking your app, but also deprecated in most major browsers.

Publicados in Syntaxus baccata

Citation.js now supports BibJSON. How I did that without actually updating Citation.js? Well, apparently I supported it all along. I've supported the quickscrape output format since July last year, and that turned out to be BibJSON. How convenient. I'll update the demo and docs to reflect this revelation (currently it just says "quickscrape's JSON scheme"), and, now that I can find actual documentation, some improvements to the parser.

Publicados in Syntaxus baccata

The new update (Citation.js v0.2.10) doesn't have a big impact on the API, but a lot has changed in the back end. ("back end" as in the helper functions that are called when the API is used.) First of all, there is Travis build tests now. It doesn't have edge test cases yet, but it covers the basics. Testing the basic specs The main thing is the new BibTeX I/O system. It isn't completely new, but a lot has changed.