Postagens de Rogue Scholar

Publicados in chem-bla-ics

OpenSource, OpenData and OpenStandards are not as strong in chemoinformatics as they are in bioinformatcs, where it is common knowledge that sharing is a good. Today, the JCIM published on the web an article about the Blue Obelisk movement, which promotes these three idealogies. Several open source projects participate, amongst which the CDK, Jmol, JOELib, OpenBabel, Chemical Markup Language, Bioclipse and Kalzium.

Publicados in chem-bla-ics

You might have read earlier posts in this blog on CMLRSS, and received a question today on how to integrate CMLRSS with blogs on Now, current CMLRSS feeds are normally generated with customized scripts, often directly from a database. So, here’s my attempt to include CML in a blog. OpenBabel 2.0 can create good CML, for example for acetic acid: Nothing much to see, right?

Publicados in chem-bla-ics

Gemma Holiday’s article on CMLReact was published in the january issue of the JCIM (doi:10.1021/ci0502698), which seems to be marked as sample issue right now. She used CMLReact as data format for MACiE (see doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/bti693), a database of 100 enzyme reactions, with fully annotated reaction mechanisms, making this an remarkable and insightfull database.

Publicados in chem-bla-ics

I reported earlier that the CDK has been updated in CVS to use CML from the new Jumbo 5.0. The transition actually involved a lot of changes in the CDK, some I would like to address in the following comments. One thing is that CML write support (not reading!) uses the new Jumbo library which requires Java 1.5. Thus, if Java 1.5 is not available, then CML writing should not be compiled. This is how this is done.

Publicados in chem-bla-ics

Tobias commited Jumbo 5.0 to CDK CVS, so that the CDK is now again up to date with the latest CML library. Note that Jumbo 5.0 requires Java 5.0. At first all JUnit tests seems to work, but apparently the CML2Writer tests were skipped because they were only run when Java 1.4 was found. I updated the test for the a appropriate Java version, and then it turned out that most tests fail.