Postagens de Rogue Scholar

Publicados in iPhylo

Browsing Mendeley I found the following record: This URL is for a paperwhich apparently has the DOI doi:10.1645/GE-2580.1. This is strange because Zootaxa doesn't have DOIs. The DOI given resolves to a paper in the Journal of Parasitology :Now, this paper has it's own record in Mendeley.OK, so this is weird..., but it gets weirder.

Publicados in iPhylo

Resurrecting iSpecies after moving it to a new folder on one of my servers, and browsing popular searches, I keep coming across clearly erroneous distributions. FishBase seems a major culprit. For example, the common pandora Pagellus erythrinus is a marine fish, yet GBIF displays numerous occurrences in mainland Africa (dots with black centre on map below).What gives?

Publicados in iPhylo

In the absence of a proper bug reporting system, I'm going to use this post to collect errors in the TBMap project, which maps taxonomic names in TreeBASE onto names in other databases.TaxonIDTaxonNameNotesT57654LycorideaeErroneously agrep matched to the spider family Lycosidae, this is a plant tribe.T56449Ficus uncinatabad agrep to Pinus uncinata