Postagens de Rogue Scholar

Publicados in Henry Rzepa's Blog

In the previous post, I noted that a chemistry publisher is about to repeat an earlier experiment in serving pre-prints of journal articles. It would be fair to suggest that following the first great period of journal innovation, the boom in rapid publication “camera-ready” articles in the 1960s, the next period of rapid innovation started around 1994 driven by the uptake of the World-Wide-Web.

Publicados in Henry Rzepa's Blog

In the previous post I described how hydronium hydroxide or H3O+…HO–, an intermolecular tautomer of water, has recently been observed captured inside an organic cage[cite]10.1002/chem.201406383[/cite] and how the free-standing species in water can be captured computationally with the help of solvating water bridges.

Publicados in Henry Rzepa's Blog

Augmented reality, a superset if you like of virtual reality (VR), has really been hitting the headlines recently. Like 3D TV, its been a long time coming! Since ~1994 or earlier, there have been explorations of how molecular models can be transferred from actual reality to virtual reality using conventional computers (as opposed to highly specialised ones). It was around then that a combination of software (Rasmol) and

Publicados in Henry Rzepa's Blog

Six years ago, I posted on the nature of a then recently reported[cite]10.1002/anie.200803859[/cite] Cr-Cr quintuple bond. The topic resurfaced as part of the discussion on a more recent post on NSF 3 , and a sub-topic on the nature of the higher order bonding in C 2 . The comment made a connection between that discussion and the Cr-Cr bond alluded to above.

Publicados in Henry Rzepa's Blog

Most visitors to London use the famous underground trains (the “tube”) or a double-decker bus to see the city (one can also use rivers and canals). So I thought, during the tourism month of August, I would show you an alternative overground circumnavigation of the city using the metaphor of benzene. Benzene you see is a ring, comprising three “HCCH” segments.