Postagens de Rogue Scholar

Publicados in tarleb
Autor Albert Krewinkel

Spam just doesn’t die. Every major mail provider has really good spam filters in place, as do the common mail clients. Nontheless, there seem to be enough people reading – and acting on – spam mail to make it a profitable business. No matter how much we hate it, we need to deal with spam. Better than having a good spam filter is not to be spammed in the first place.

Publicados in
Autor Robert A. Gehring

Das Urheberrecht schützt bekanntlich Sprachwerke wie Romane, Gedichte, Computerprogramme und … die Verwendung von Schlüsselwörtern zur Suchmaschinenoptimierung. Zu dieser Auffassung sind jedenfalls die Richter des 2. Zivilsenats des Oberlandesgerichts Rostock am 27. Juni 2007 (!) gekommen (Az 2 W 12/07, via Telemedicus). Die entscheidenden Passagen des Urteils lauten: Das Verfahren war von der Ongate GmbH angestrengt worden.

Publicados in Science in the Open
Autor Cameron Neylon

As has been noted in a few places, Neil Withers, one of the editors of soon to be newest Nature journal, Nature Chemistry put out a request last week for input on a range of issues to do with how people use journals, formats, and technical widgets. Egon Willighagen, Rich Apodaca, and Oscar the Journal Munching Robot (masquerading as Peter Murray-Rust, or is that the other way around?) have already posted responses.