Postagens de Rogue Scholar

Publicados in iPhylo

The TreeBASE team have announced that TreeBASE II has been released. I've put part of the announcement on the SSB web site. Given that TreeBASE and I have history, I think it best to keep quiet and see what others think before blogging about it in detail. Plus, there's a lot of new features to explore. Take it for a spin and see what you think.

Publicados in iPhylo

I've made some progress on a wiki of phylogenies. Still much to do, but here are some samples of what I'm trying to do.First up, here's an example of a publication addition to basic bibiographic details we have links to GenBank sequences and a phylogeny. The sequences are georeferenced, which enables us to generate a map.

Publicados in iPhylo

At the start of this week I took part in a biodiversity informatics workshop at the Naturhistoriska riksmuseets, organised by Kevin Holston. It was a fun experience, and Kevin was a great host, going out of his way to make sure myself and other contributors were looked after.

Publicados in iPhylo

I'm slowing trying to get phylogenies into the wiki that I'm playing with. Here's an early example, the TreeBASE tree T6002, from the study A Phylogenomic Study of Birds Reveals Their Evolutionary History. The tree is displayed using my tvwidget. Below are listed the OTUs in the tree in a crude table. The idea is that this table will contain a mapping between OTU labels and taxa.

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Rutger Vos asked on Twitter "What would people want/expect from taxon searching on TreeBASE?". This is a good question, and one which motivated the work I did on TBMap (see doi:10.1186/1471-2105-8-158), which developed a mapping between TreeBASE taxa and other databases. In that paper I published a table showing the effectiveness of string and hierarchical queries of TreeBASE.

Publicados in iPhylo

In an earlier post I described the TBMap database (doi:10.1186/1471-2105-8-158), which contains a mapping of TreeBASE taxon names onto names in other databases. While this is one step towards making it easier to query TreeBASE, what I'd really like is to link the data in TreeBASE to sources such as GenBank and specimen databases.

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My paper on mapping TreeBASE names to other databases is out as provisional PDF on the BMC Bioinformatics web site (doi:10.1186/1471-2105-8-158 -- not working yet).The abstract:The TBMap web site needs some work, it's really only intended to document the mapping. Once I've tweaked and updated the mapping, I hope to use it in my forthcoming all-sining, all-dancing, phylogeny database...