Postagens de Rogue Scholar

Publicados in GigaBlog

Cheering Ourselves up with CUDDEL(s) and Hackathons We have been working closely with the Metabolomics community for a few years now, participating in hackathon events including BYO Data parties and Hack-the-Spec – ISA as a FAIR research object – thanks to our collaboration with the ISA Team at the Oxford e-Research Centre and funding from our BBSRC UK-China partnering award.

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In der im September veröffentlichten Open-Access-Strategie des Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) hat das Forschungsministerium bereits angekündigt Open Access als „Grundprinzip“ in der eigenen Forschungsförderung zu verankern. Der genaue Wortlaut der Open-Access-Richtlinie wurde in der Strategie jedoch noch offen gehalten.

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Wie wird sich ein globaler Wechsel zu Gold OA basierend auf Article Processing Charges (APCs) finanziell auf forschungsintensive Universitäten auswirken?  Die mit einem 800’000$-Grant der Mellon-Foundation unterstützte Studie “Pay it Foward” (185 Seiten) ging dieser Frage an den Beispielen der grossen nordamerikanischen Universitäten British Columbia, California, Harvard und Ohio State nach.

Publicados in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

The interview that I did for Jisc was conducted via Skype, by the very able Michelle Pauli. We talked for some time, and obviously much of what was said had to be cut for length (and no doubt some repetition). To my pleasant surprise, though, Michelle prepared a complete transcript of our talk before the cutting started. So in the tradition of DVD movies, I am now able to offer the Deleted Scenes.

Publicados in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

A few years ago, we started the web-site Who Needs Access? to highlight some of the many ways that people outside academia want and need access to published scholarly works: fossil preparators, small businesses, parents of children with rare diseases, developing-world entrepreneurs, disability rights campaigners and many more.

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Etwas verzögert der Hinweis auf die jüngst veröffentlichte Open-Access-Strategie des Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF). Auszug aus der Pressemitteilung des Ministeriums: {.size-medium .wp-image-12461 .alignright loading=“lazy” attachment-id=“12461” permalink=“”

Publicados in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

Long time readers may remember the stupid contortions I had to go through in order to avoid giving the Geological Society copyright in my 2010 paper about the history of sauropod research, and how the Geol. Soc. nevertheless included a fraudulent claim of copyright ownership in the published version. The way I left it back in 2010, my wife, Fiona, was the copyright holder.