Postagens de Rogue Scholar

Publicados in iPhylo

I've spent the last three days at VIZBI, a Workshop on Visualizing Biological Data, held at the Broad Institute in Boston (note that "Broad" rhymes with "Code"). A great conference in a special venue that includes the DNAtrium. Videos of the talks will be online "real soon now", look for the keynotes, which were full of great ideas and visualisations.

Publicados in
Autor Philipp Otto

Zu Ostern gibt es ausnahmsweise in diesem Blog einmal einen literarischen Leckerbissen von iRights-Autor Philipp Otto. Es geht um eine Überraschung, einen Kuss (mindestens einen), um Twitter, warme Gefühle und um aufregende Gedanken. Die 21-jährige Maria erzählt, was ihr neulich an diesem heißen Sommertag passiert ist. Eigentlich wollte sie nur zum Faulenzen runter an den See.

Publicados in iPhylo

I've been buried in programming (and it's exam time at Glasgow) so I've not blogged for a month (gasp). I've been playing with ways to visualise Biodiversity Heritage Library content for a while (click here for a list of previous posts), and have occasionally surfaced to tweet a screenshot via twitpic.

Publicados in Science in the Open
Autor Cameron Neylon

…is that someone needs to make money out of them. It was inevitable at some point that Friendfeed would take a route that lead it towards mass adoption and away from the needs of the (rather small) community of researchers that have found a niche that works well for them.

Publicados in iPhylo

So, e-Biosphere '09 is over (at least for the plebs like me, the grown ups get to spend two days charting the future of biodiversity informatics). It was an interesting event, on several levels. It's late, and I'm shattered, so this post ill cover only a few things.This was first conference I'd attended where some of the participants twittered during proceedings.