Postagens de Rogue Scholar

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Having made a first stab at mapping NCBI taxa to Wikipedia, I thought it might be fun to see what could be done with it. I've always wanted to get quantum treemaps working (quantum treemaps ensure that the cells in the treemap are all the same size, see my 2006[!] blog post for further description and links). After some fussing I have some code that seems to do the trick.

Publicados in iPhylo

Some serious displacement activity. I'm toying with adding phylogenies to iSpecies, probably sourced from the PhyLoTA browser. This raises the issue of how to display trees on a web page. PhyLoTA itself uses bitmap images, such as this one:but I'd like to avoid bitmaps. I toyed with using SVG, but that has it's own series of issues (it basically has to be served as a separate file). So, I've spent a couple of hours playing with the element.

Publicados in iPhylo

Random half-formed idea time. Thinking about marking up an article (e.g., from PLoS) with a phylogeny (such as the image below, see doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0001109.g001), I keep hitting the fact that existing web-based tree viewers are, in general, crap.Given that a PLoS article is an XML document, it would be great if the tree diagram was itself XML, in particular SVG.

Publicados in iPhylo

I've been buried in programming (and it's exam time at Glasgow) so I've not blogged for a month (gasp). I've been playing with ways to visualise Biodiversity Heritage Library content for a while (click here for a list of previous posts), and have occasionally surfaced to tweet a screenshot via twitpic.

Publicados in iPhylo

Time for a quick and dirty Friday afternoon hack. Based on responses to the BHL timeline I released two days ago, I've created a version that can compare the history of two names using sparklines (created using Google's Chart API). I use sparklines to give a quick summary of hits over time (grouped by decade).The demo is here. It's crude (minimal error checking, no progress bars while it talks to BHL), but it's home time.

Publicados in iPhylo

Quick post (really should be doing something else). Reading Jeff Atwood's post Mixing Oil and Water: Authorship in a Wiki World lead me to IBM's wonderful history flow tool to visualise the edit history of a Wikipedia page. There's a nice paper describing history flow (doi:10.1145/985692.985765, free PDF here). Inspired by this I decided to try and implement history flow in PHP and SVG.