Postagens de Rogue Scholar

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Elsevier have released this video about the challenge, featuring a few of the contestants. I couldn't get my act together in time to send anything useful, and having seen the 16 gigabytes song (full version here), I'm glad I didn't -- there's just no way I could compete with Michael Greenacre and Trevor Hastie.

Publicados in iPhylo

Chris Freeland's tweet alterted me to the Elsevier Article 2.0 Contest:Elsevier are clearly looking for ideas (they also have their Grand Challenge), and there's been some interesting commentary on the Article 2.0 contest.The site provides some sample applications (written in XQuery), which you can play with by going to the list of journals that are included in the challenge and clicking down through volume and issue until you get to individual

Publicados in iPhylo

Starting to get serious about the Grand Challenge. First step is to parse the XML data Elsevier made available. Sadly this is only for Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution for 2007, I would have liked the whole journal in XML to avoid hassles with parsing PDF. However, XML is not without it's own problems.