Postagens de Rogue Scholar

Publicados in Europe PMC News Blog
Autor Summer Rosonovski

As 2024 begins we reflect on the achievements our team made in 2023 to meet your needs as users. The team’s efforts were concentrated on building trust in preprints, open sourcing code, as well as expanding and improving text-mining capabilities. Preprint highlights

Publicados in Open Access Brandenburg
Autor Ben Kaden

Der Ansatz des Diamond Open Access wird bekanntlich als eine Perspektive für das Open-Access-Publizieren jenseits von Publikationsgebühren angesehen. Das große Desiderat bei der Etablierung von Diamond Journals sind oft die für die das Diamond-OA-Publizieren notwendigen Infrastrukturen und Rahmenbedingungen.

Publicados in Open Access Brandenburg
Autor Ben Kaden

zu Mark Schroeder: Trials and Triumphs of University-Funded Open-Access Publishing: New Leadership for JESP . In: Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy.

Publicados in A blog by Ross Mounce
Autor Ross Mounce

As you may have seen in the news, the British Library has been affected by a significant cyberattack. Many of the digital services it provides have gone down and stayed down for many weeks now, whilst investigations take place. I have a lot of sympathy for the BL staff. As has been observed, public services can be a relatively easy target.

Publicados in OpenCitations blog
Autor Chiara Di Giambattista

Blog post by Ivan Heibi (University of Bologna), Arianna Moretti (University of Bologna) and Chiara Di Giambattista (University of Bologna). In the past five years, the OpenCitations data has been enriched with numerous new indexes of open citation data from different sources.

Publicados in Open Access Brandenburg
Autor Ben Kaden

Quelle: Bodo Stern, Zoé Ancion, Andreas Björke, Ashley Farley, Marte Qvenild, Katharina Rieck, Jeroen Sondervan, Johan Rooryck, Robert Kiley, Maria Karatzia, Nora Papp (2023): Towards Responsible Publishing (1.0). Zenodo.   Das wissenschaftsgeleitete Publizieren bzw. „Scholar-led Publishing“ ist zumindest im Open-Access-Diskurs ein Haupttrend des Jahres 2023.

Publicados in A blog by Ross Mounce
Autor Ross Mounce

This is just a quick post of appreciation for PCI Registered Reports. I’ve recently joined the PCI RR community as a ‘recommender’. One thing that spurred me to join is a rather unsatisfactory experience I had as a peer-reviewer, reviewing a manuscript where the experimental design was deeply insufficient.

Publicados in Open Access Brandenburg
Autor Team OA Brandenburg

Überaus passend war Berlin 2023 Gastgeberin der Open-Access-Tage, der Leitkonferenz zum Thema Open Access im deutschsprachigen Raum, denn wir feiern dieses Jahr auch den 20. Jahrestag des Leitdokuments der Open-Access-Bewegung, der sogenannten Berliner Erklärung.

Publicados in Samuel Moore
Autor Samuel Moore

Today’s Scholarly Kitchen blog post is an attempt by David Crotty — the blog’s editor — to quantify the increasing consolidation of the academic publishing industry. Crotty concludes: It’s helpful to have more data on the increasing power that a small number of academic publishers hold.