Postagens de Rogue Scholar

Publicados in
Autor Bea Riebesehl

Mit der quelloffenen App kann man Lieblings-Podcasts aus vielen Quellen abonnieren, Daten werden dabei keine gesammelt. Die Entwickler*innen möchten mit AntennaPod dazu beitragen, dass Podcasts ein freies Medium bleiben. AntennaPod ist ein Podcast-Client, mit dem man Podcasts abonnieren und auf dem Android-Handy abspielen kann. Die App ist kostenlos und werbefrei und analysiert das Verhalten der Nutzer*innen nicht.

Publicados in Technology and language

Scene: a quietly bustling bistro in Paris’s 14th Arrondissement. SERVER: Oui, vous désirez? PIXELBUDS: Yes, you desire? TOURIST: Um, yeah, I’ll have the steak frites. PIXELBUDS: UM, OUAIS, JE VAIS AVOIR LES FRITES DE STEAK SERVER: Que les frites? PIXELBUDS: Than fries? TOURIST: No, at the same time. PIXELBUDS: NON, EN MEME TEMPS SERVER: Alors, vous voulez le steak aussi? PIXELBUDS: DESOLE, JE N’AI PAS COMPRIS.

Publicados in Technology and language

If you have an Android phone like me, you probably use Google Calendar. I like the way it integrates with my contacts so that I can schedule events with people. I like the idea of it integrating with my Google+ contacts to automatically create a calendar of birthdays that I don’t want to miss. There’s a glitch in that, but I’ve created a new app to get around it, called Selected Birthdays.

Publicados in
Autor Henry Steinhau

Mit der als Betaversion verfügbaren App „The List“ will die Organisation Creative Commons den Bestand an frei verwendbaren Fotos vergrößern und es leichter machen, dazu beizutragen. Nutzer können gesuchte Motive untereinander anfragen und selbst bereitstellen. Die Idee überzeugt, bei der Umsetzung gibt es noch Probleme.

Publicados in Technology and language

I bought a nice little tablet at BestBuy, and I wanted to use it to test an Android app I’m developing. In order to do that, I have to connect the tablet to my Windows laptop and run something called ADB. Unfortunately, in order for ADB to connect to it, Windows needs to recognize it as an ADB device, and BestBuy hasn’t done the work to support that.

Publicados in Le blog Zotero francophone
Autor Frédéric Clavert

Il y a quelques mois, l’équipe de zotero a eu l’excellente idée de publier une API en lecture et écriture. Grâce à elle, zotero est devenu mobile. Cette évolution montre la puissance de l’open...

Publicados in Henry Rzepa's Blog

My very first post on this blog, in 2008, was to describe how Jmol could be used to illustrate chemical themes by adding 3D models to posts. Many of my subsequent efforts have indeed invoked Jmol. I thought I might review progress since then, with a particular focus on using the new generations of mobile device that have subsequently emerged.

Publicados in Henry Rzepa's Blog

I have for perhaps the last 25 years been urging publishers to recognise how science publishing could and should change. My latest thoughts are published in an article entitled “ The past, present and future of Scientific discourse ” (DOI: 10.1186/1758-2946-3-46). Here I take two articles, one published 58 years ago and one published last year, and attempt to reinvent some aspects.

Publicados in iPhylo

Over the last few months I've been exploring different ways to view scientific articles on the iPad, summarised here. I've also made a few prototypes, either from scratch (such as my response to the PLoS iPad app) or using Sencha Touch (see Touching citations on the iPad).Today, it's time for something a little different. The Sencha Touch framework I used earlier is huge and wasn't easy to get my head around.