Postagens de Rogue Scholar

Publicados in Henry Rzepa's Blog

Previously, I explored the Graham reaction to form a diazirine. The second phase of the reaction involved an Sn2′ displacement of N-Cl forming C-Cl. Here I ask how facile the simpler displacement of C-Cl by another chlorine might be and whether the mechanism is Sn2 or the alternative Sn1.

Publicados in rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Autor Jeroen Ooms

The gifski package which was demonstrated in May at eRum 2018 in Budapest is now on CRAN. Gifski is a simple but powerful package which can hopefully take away an important performance bottleneck for generating animated graphics in R.What is Gifski Gifski is a multi-threaded high-quality GIF encoder written in Rust. It can create animated GIF images with thousands of colors per frame and do so much faster than other software.

Publicados in Henry Rzepa's Blog

I noted in my WATOC conference report a presentation describing the use of calculated reaction barriers (and derived rate constants) as mechanistic reality checks. Computations, it was claimed, have now reached a level of accuracy whereby a barrier calculated as being 6 kcal/mol too high can start ringing mechanistic alarm bells.

Publicados in Henry Rzepa's Blog

A recent article reports, amongst other topics, a computationally modelled reaction involving the capture of molecular hydrogen using a substituted borane (X=N, Y=C).[cite]10.1073/pnas.1709586114[/cite] The mechanism involves an initial equilibrium between React and Int1 , followed by capture of the hydrogen by Int1 to form a 5-coordinate borane intermediate ( Int2 below, as per

Publicados in Henry Rzepa's Blog

It is a sign of the times that one travels to a conference well-connected. By which I mean email is on a constant drip-feed, with venue organisers ensuring each delegate receives their WiFi password even before their room key.

Publicados in Henry Rzepa's Blog

The previous post demonstrated the simple iso-electronic progression from six-coordinate carbon to five coordinate nitrogen. Here, a further progression to oxygen is investigated computationally. The systems are formally constructed from a cyclobutadienyl di-anion and firstly the HO 5+ cation, giving a tri-cationic complex. There are no examples of the resulting motif in the Cambridge structure database.

Publicados in Henry Rzepa's Blog

The example a few posts back of how methane might invert its configuration by transposing two hydrogen atoms illustrated the reaction mechanism by locating a transition state and following it down in energy using an intrinsic reaction coordinate (IRC). Here I explore an alternative method based instead on computing a molecular dynamics trajectory (MD). I have used ethane instead of methane, since it is now possible to

Publicados in Henry Rzepa's Blog

In answering tutorial problems, students often need skills in deciding how much time to spend on explaining what does not happen, as well as what does. Here I explore alternatives to the mechanism outlined in the previous post to see what computation has to say about what does (or might) not happen.