Postagens de Rogue Scholar

Publicados in lab.sub - Articles

Central Logging Service for Distributed Applications With the release of our great new presentation layer for the Goettingen Digitization Centre we faced new problems. The Application consists of many different separate services (and servers). For example a Symfony frontend application, separate applications to deliver and process IIIF manifests and images.

Publicados in lab.sub - Articles

The continuous integration toolchain has developed a lot during the last years. Our mission, to build and deploy everything completely automatic and reproducable became more and more elegant. But let me take you back into the ancient halls of our workflows. Let’s take a TYPO3 CMS website. We built sites with this PHP-based Content Management System for ages, but let’s skip the dark woods of Subversion.

Publicados in lab.sub - Articles

Twitter for Goettingen Digitisation Centre / Göttinger Digitalisierungszentrum Did you know, that with the current relaunch of the GDZ (Göttinger Digitalisierungszentrum), we implemented a small bridge to Twitter that tweets out the newly scanned works? This feature was integrated in our Symfony App using the simple endroid/twitter library. Feel free to follow this unofficial account at @just_scanned.