Postagens de Rogue Scholar

Publicados in quantixed

Anyone that maintains a website is happy that people out there are interested enough to visit. Web traffic is one thing, but I take greatest pleasure in seeing quantixed posts being cited in academic papers. I love the fact that some posts on here have been cited in the literature more than some of my actual papers. It’s difficult to track citations to web resources.

Publicados in lab.sub - Articles
Autor Mathias Göbel

Welcome everyone! This is the place to read about projects, resources and all the things we deal with at our work on digital collections, databases, APIs, tools and esoteric programming languages we prefer to write in. It is not meant for a single subject, but covers all topics we 💖. So I hope you don’t mind if the next post is about one of my adorable cute rabbits.

Publicados in quantixed

It’s been a while since I did some navel-gazing about who reads this blog and where they come from. This week, quantixed is close to 25K views and there was a burst of people viewing an old post, which made me look again at the visitor statistics. Where do the readers of quantixed come from? Well, geographically they come from all around the world.