Postagens de Rogue Scholar

Publicados in Biopragmatics
Autor Charles Tapley Hoyt

The Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier (ORCID) database is an invaluable resource that supports the unambiguous identification of researchers. However, its first party data dump is too complex, verbose, and unstandardized for many use cases. This post describes open source software I wrote that automates downloading, processing, and exporting ORCID into a more usable form. I put the results on Zenodo under the CC0 license.

Publicados in FIS & EPub
Autor Paul Vierkant

Wer einen Workshop von A (utor*innenidentifikation) bis O (rganisations-IDs) virtuell besuchen möchte, kann sich dafür ab sofort registrieren. Bei dem vom ORCID DE und ORCID Inc. gemeinsam veranstalteten nunmehr vierten Projekt-Workshop geht es um Organizations-IDs.

Publicados in FIS & EPub
Autor Paul Vierkant

Mit dem DINI-Zertifikat für Open-Access-Publikationsdienste 2019 der Deutsche Initiative für Netzwerkinformation (DINI) ist Ende letzten Jahres die mittlerweile sechste Auflage des national und international anerkannten Standards für Informationsinfrastrukturen veröffentlicht worden.

Publicados in iPhylo

I'm doing some work with Nicole Kearney (@nicolekearney) at the Melbourne Museum on the general theme of "linking all the things". It's the end of the first full week we've had, so here's a quick update of what we've been up to. Brainstorming The things we want to do are being captured as a project on GitHub. This is where we come up with ideas, comment on then, then try to figure out which ones can be done.

Publicados in OpenCitations blog
Autor Silvio Peroni

Among the external services used, the ORCID Public API is of crucial importance for the task of author disambiguation. During the OCC ingestion workflow, the main metadata of an article are usually retrieved from the Crossref API.

Publicados in FIS & EPub

Am 08. November 2018 fand im Anschluss an die DINI-Jahrestagung in der Stadthalle Bielefeld der dritte ORCID DE Workshop – Perspektiven und Technik statt. Mehr als 92 Vertreterinnen und Vertreter wissenschaftlicher Informationsinfrastruktureinrichtungen diskutierten über die technischen Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen bei Implementierung von ORCID sowie die Perspektive von PIDs in Deutschland.

Publicados in rOpenSci - open tools for open science

Proper identification of individuals is crucial for acknowledging andstudying their scientific work, be it journal articles or pieces ofsoftware. In this tech note, one year after CRAN started supportingORCIDs, we shall explain why and how to use unique author identifiers inDESCRIPTION files.Why use ORCIDs on CRAN? When analyzing the authorship of CRAN packages, one can look at authors’names and email addresses.

Publicados in Europe PMC News Blog
Autor Europe PMC Team

[Whether applying for a postdoc, a grant, or a tenure position, you will need to compile a publication list every now and then. There can be many ways to do so, from maintaining an Excel sheet, to building your profile on a faculty page. One option, however, requires minimum effort from your side and keeps a stable record of all your achievements.

Publicados in Europe PMC News Blog
Autor Europe PMC Team

[Modern scientists are busier than ever. Their typical days are filled not only with experimental work, but also with teaching, supervising, mentoring, grant applications, budget planning… The list goes on and on. No wonder there is barely any time left to stay on top of the field. Keeping track of published literature is made easier by following these simple tips:]{style=“font-family: "arial"; font-size: 11pt;