Postagens de Rogue Scholar

Publicados in lab.sub - Articles

I was quite sceptical if an online conference could make me pay attention in the same way a “physical” conference could. Spoiler: It could. There were some minor issues, such as not so perfect sound, but it was sufficient. The conference took place at an online platform (hopin). All sessions were pre-recorded and made available for all attendees after the conference.

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If I struggle to find the answer to something, it must be worth a post to help out others. So, here’s where to find the php.ini file on a standard WordPress install on Raspberry Pi. I installed a LAMP stack and WordPress on a Raspberry Pi following these excellent instructions. The aim was to import our lab’s ELN onto a fresh WordPress install.

Publicados in iPhylo

A little while ago I came across Wikisource, and it dawned on me that this is a model for BHL. To quote from the Wikisource web site:Much of their content comes from the Internet Archive (as does BHL's), and Wikisource have developed extensions for Mediaiwki to do some cool things, such as extract text and images from DjVu files.