Postagens de Rogue Scholar

Publicados in lab.sub - Articles

I wanted to switch a small website into a one-pager website lately, and as it so happend - the site was managed with TYPO3. Turns out, with TYPO3 it’s a piece of cake. I already had a sitepackage and a template, so the only thing was to glue the pages in a string, make them distingusable from each other, and adjust the menu. Taking care of the glue The pages can be glued together with two viewhelpers from the vhs-extension.

Publicados in lab.sub - Articles

First of all - I could have put much more words in the title because we are covering a complete workflow for our TYPO3 documentation (for our customers and their sites). We will see the tools used, how it is organized and finally how it is deployed. Format TYPO3 used to use an OpenOffice-based documentation shipped as *.sxw files ages ago.

Publicados in lab.sub - Articles

The way we are using TYPO3 has constantly been changed in the last 10 years. I will show you, how we use state-of-the-art technologies to optimize and automatize the way of building and deploying our TYPO3 sites. History There were times no source code repository existed and everything was done live on the server. Then we had monolithic repositories in Subversion (do you member?) where each and everything belonging to the site was stored.