Postagens de Rogue Scholar

Publicados in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

I was delighted today to see a tweet from dinodadreviews: (Here is it, archived, in case it goes away for any reason): This is a nice, elegant bit of artwork, based of course on the old brachiosaurid interpretation of Xenoposeidon — which has been superseded by the new rebbachisaurid interpretation, but the author and designer weren’t to know that.

Publicados in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

You can’t tell me that’s a coincidence. References Taylor, Michael P. 2018. Xenoposeidon is the earliest known rebbachisaurid sauropod dinosaur. PeerJ 6:e5212. doi: 10.7717/peerj.5212 Supplementary information It’s coming home.

Publicados in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

I’m delighted to announce the publication today of my new paper “ Xenoposeidon is the earliest known rebbachisaurid sauropod dinosaur”. This is the peer-reviewed version, in my favourite journal PeerJ , of the manuscript that became available as a preprint eight months ago — which was in turn a formalisation of a blog-post from 2015.

Publicados in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

Peter Falkingham and Nick Gardner independently put me onto Sketchfab: a website that provides a way to view and navigate 3D models without needing to download any software beyond the browser that you’re already running. So get yourself over to the live Xenoposeidon model!

Publicados in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

In writing the recent preprint “ Xenoposeidon is the earliest known rebbachisaurid sauropod dinosaur” (Taylor 2017), it was invaluable to have a 3D model of the Xenoposeidon vertebra available. Here’s a short clip of viewing the model in the free MeshLab program.

Publicados in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

There’s just time before midnight strikes to wish Xenoposeidon a very happy tenth birthday. It came along just a month and a half after SV-POW! itself — in fact, I can’t even remember now, a decade on, whether part of the reason we started SV-POW! in the first place was so we’d have somewhere to talk about it when the paper (Taylor and Naish 2007) came out.

Publicados in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

I hesitate to inflict these images on SV-POW! readers, but I have to post them somewhere if only so I can point my family to them; and who knows, maybe some of the rest of you will enjoy the amusing hat. Last Friday (17th July), I drove down to Portsmouth, with my wife Fiona, to graduate — the consummation of my Ph.D programme.

Publicados in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

Well, not really. Mike has been profiled on Science Careers. It’s a big lovefest for Mike, Darren, me, SV-POW!, the Dinosaur Mailing List, Xenoposeidon , Apatosaurus , father-son relationships, and science in general. And it’s all true.* * Actually, Mike would describe his day job differently. He’s a transponster!