

Chemblaics (pronounced chem-bla-ics) is the science that uses open science and computers to solve problems in chemistry, biochemistry and related fields.

Kasabi was an innovative RDF publishing platform from around 2011. Shortlived, and maybe just too early. I published two open datasets there. One was ChEMBL-RDF (see these posts). The second was a small data sets called ChemPedia, a open science effort to crowdsource chemical names. This is still very much needed, and possibly Wikidata could fill that gap, but it would first need to be able to handle all labels as statements itself.


Update : Mark wrote up a blog post on the RDF that the ChEMBL team itself. Yesterday, the paper “The ChEMBL database as linked open data” (doi:10.1186/1758-2946-5-23) by Andra Waagmeester (@andrawaag), Ola Spjuth (@ola_spjuth), Peter Ansell (@p_ansell), Antony Williams (@chemconnector), Valery Tkachenko, Janna Hastings, Bin Chen (@binchenindiana), David J Wild (@davidjohnwild), and me appeared in the OA JChemInf journal.


The “Emerging practices for mapping and linking life sciences data using RDF” (doi:10.1016/j.websem.2012.02.003) is now available online, where I contributed a section on the original workflow for creating ChEMBL triples, and contributed to the section about open licensing, referring to CCZero and the Panton Principles. Happy reading!


I reported earlier how to I uploaded the ChemPedia (RIP) data onto Kasabi. But for ChEMBL-RDF I have used the pytassium tool, not just because it has a cool name :) I discovered yesterday, however, that I did not write down in this lab notebook, what steps I needed to take to reproduce it. And I just wanted to uploaded new triples to the ChEMBL-RDF data set on Kasabi.


Update 2021-02 : this post is still the second-most read post in my blog. Welcome! Some updates: Ammar Ammar in our BiGCaT group has set up a new SPARQL endpoint. Please use and tweet. blog, or otherwise let others now how you use the ChEMBL RDF. Since this post I have blogged a lot more about ChEMBL. Update : this work is now written down in this paper.