

Chemblaics (pronounced chem-bla-ics) is the science that uses open science and computers to solve problems in chemistry, biochemistry and related fields.

While I was working on implementing proper author-given chain IDs in PDB structures for Jmol’s mmCIF reader today, I thought it was interesting to mention the recent article Traditional Biomolecular Structure Determination by NMR Spectroscopy Allows for Major Errors by Nabuurs (DOI:10.1371/journal.pcbi.0020009, open access), working at the CMBI, two floors away from my former working location at the Radboud University Nijmegen.


This sunday starts the first German Chemoinformatics Conference in Goslar. It’s an interesting programme , with presentations on the InChI, PubChem, 25 years of chemoinformatics, the chemical semantic web, and much more. Among these presentations is mine, on comparing crystal structures (PDF ) and deducing cell parameters. But I’m having a poster on QSAR too.