

Chemblaics (pronounced chem-bla-ics) is the science that uses open science and computers to solve problems in chemistry, biochemistry and related fields.

Scholia is a visual layer on top of Wikidata providing a rich user experience for browing scholarly research related knowledge. I am using the combinatie for various things, including exploring new research topics (a method, compound, or protein I do not know so much about yet), indexing notable research output (including citations), progress of Citation Typing Ontology uptake, etc.


Just before the end of the year, the Wikidata subsetting: approaches, tools, and evaluation paper by Seyed Amir Hosseini Beghaeiraveri et al. got published (doi:10.3233/SW-233491). I am really excited our group (i.e. Ammar and Denise) has been able to contribute to this. I think it also is a great example of the power of hackathons to bring together people.


About four weeks ago the Fall 2023 American Chemical Society meeting (#ACSFall2023). I have attended a few ACS meetings in person and even organized a symposium at the 2010 ACS meeting in Boston. This time too, I did not participate in person, tho visiting San Francisco again would have been nice. I gave two presentations (slides doi:10.5281/zenodo.8255394), but have not uploaded my slides of the first presentation to Zenodo yet.