

Chemblaics (pronounced chem-bla-ics) is the science that uses open science and computers to solve problems in chemistry, biochemistry and related fields.

Scholarly articles provide context to the factualness of statements in Wikidata, similar to the [citation needed] in Wikipedia. And just like the cited references in each scholarly article itself. The citation network is general seen as an essential part of (doing) science, even without citation intention annotation.


Scholia is a visual layer on top of Wikidata providing a rich user experience for browing scholarly research related knowledge. I am using the combinatie for various things, including exploring new research topics (a method, compound, or protein I do not know so much about yet), indexing notable research output (including citations), progress of Citation Typing Ontology uptake, etc.


This summer I am trying to finish up some smaller projects that I did not have time for to finish, with mixed successes. I am combing this with a nice Dutch staycation, and I already cycled in Overijssel and in south-west Friesland and learning about their histories. But this post is about an update on my Citation Typing Ontology use cases. And I have to say, a mention by Silvio Peroni is pretty awesome, thanks! First, the bad news.


During the Open Science Retreat I organized a short session where we looking into typing citation intentions using a new nanopublication template. First, let’s describe nanopublications (originally used in doi:10.3233/ISU-2010-0613) a bit. Scholia gives a nice overview of (macro?)publications on the topic.


Just before the end of the year, the Wikidata subsetting: approaches, tools, and evaluation paper by Seyed Amir Hosseini Beghaeiraveri et al. got published (doi:10.3233/SW-233491). I am really excited our group (i.e. Ammar and Denise) has been able to contribute to this. I think it also is a great example of the power of hackathons to bring together people.


About four weeks ago the Fall 2023 American Chemical Society meeting (#ACSFall2023). I have attended a few ACS meetings in person and even organized a symposium at the 2010 ACS meeting in Boston. This time too, I did not participate in person, tho visiting San Francisco again would have been nice. I gave two presentations (slides doi:10.5281/zenodo.8255394), but have not uploaded my slides of the first presentation to Zenodo yet.


Some days ago, I started added boiling points to Wikidata, referenced from Basic Laboratory and Industrial Chemicals (wikidata:Q22236188), David R. Lide’s ‘a CRC quick reference handbook’ from 1993 (well, the edition I have). But Wikidata wants pressure (wikidata:P2077) info at which the boiling point (wikidata:P2102) was measured. Rightfully so. But I had not added those yet, because it slows me and can be automated with QuickStatements.


Just a quick note: I just love the level of detail Wikidata allows us to use. One of the marvels is the practices of named as, which can be used in statements for subject and objects. The notion and importance here is that things are referred to in different ways, and these properties allows us to link the interpretation with the source.