Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in Donny Winston

Have you ever set an objective function for code refactoring, where, for every proposed total change (e.g. reviewable pull request), you seek to maximize the change in this function? An example: 1 \ \log_2(pct_{LOC\ tested}) * pct {importables\ documented} * pct {LOC\ nostate} \over n {LOC} \ Good (numerator stuff): Percent Lines of Code (LOC) covered by a test.

Veröffentlicht in Donny Winston

Some energy infrastructure emits carbon. Some data infrastructure emits complexity. There is essential carbon emission, like humans exhaling CO 2 . And there is incidental, non-essential carbon emission, like humans burning fossil fuels. There is essential complexity in data (and software code), like that pertaining to modeling your subject matter and your application domain.

Veröffentlicht in Donny Winston

I am beginning to walk through each question of the FAIR Implementation Profile (FIP) Ontology. My goal is to construct and share a populated model of people’s articulations – aka declarations – of choices they’ve made or with challenges they face with regard to addressing each question, as well as the considerations they associate with any such choice or challenge.

Veröffentlicht in De esto no hay tesis
Autoren Jesús Campos, Irina Formoso, Rubén Rojas, Luis Botello, Luis Montilla

00:10 Hola, hola, aquí estamos con un nuevo episodio de De Esto No Hay Tesis. Me acompañan como siempre Luis Miguel Montilla, aka El Gocho y Rubén Rojas. Como invitado, vamos a tener a Jesús Campos, un licenciado en química de la Universidad Simon Bolívar, quien nos va a hablar de nanotecnología, de su vida en Suecia y de cómo ser interdisciplinario es algo bueno para tu carrera.

Veröffentlicht in Donny Winston

The Handle system is a popular choice for the assignment and resolution of globally unique, persistent identifiers. Governance is centralized with the DONA Foundation, and administration is distributed among so-called Credentialed Multi-Primary Administrators (MPAs), of which there are currently nine. You’ve likely heard of at least one MPA: the International DOI Foundation. Each MPA is assigned a number.

Veröffentlicht in Donny Winston

What globally unique, persistent, resolvable identifiers do you use for datasets? I want to know about either (a) a challenge you’re facing, and what you’ve tried; or (2) a choice you recently made, and how it’s going. Context: For each question of the FAIR Implementation Profile (FIP) Ontology, I want to collect and discuss folks’ choices and challenges on my podcast, Machine-Centric Science.

Veröffentlicht in Donny Winston

I keep confusing findability and discoverability. It seems that findability is often equated to known-item search, and discoverability to exploratory search. Known-item search is compatible with “instant search”, aka search-as-you-type interfaces. Exploratory search is compatible with “autocomplete” (incl. re-spelling, infix matching, synonym substitution, etc.) interfaces.

Veröffentlicht in Donny Winston

Leave beacons in your code. I would have avoided a silly error if a variable named xgb_train_data would have been named, for example, xgb_train_data_filepath instead. When you can’t leave globally unique, persistent, resolvable identifiers (GUPRIs), mind your beacons. References: F. Hermans, The Programmer’s brain: what every programmer needs to know about cognition , pp28-30. Shelter Island, NY: Manning, 2021.