Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in Liberate Science

Tilburg University is now an inaugural supporting member of ResearchEquals, sustaining and governing the development of modular publishing. Tilburg University already included open science in its strategy in 2018 and has since vitalized local efforts through the Open Access Lab and the local Open Science Community.

Veröffentlicht in Gemeinsamer Blog der DINI AGs
Autor Franziska Mau

Angestoßen durch jüngste Aktivitäten auf Landesebene, traf sich am 10.05.23 das Netzwerk FIS Niedersachsen zum digitalen Austausch. Mehr als zwei Jahre war der letzte Austausch bereits her ( Erfreulich viele FIS Referent*innen bzw. Personen, die an ihrer jeweiligen Einrichtung im Kontext von Forschungsinformationen tätig sind, nahmen an dem Treffen teil.

Veröffentlicht in Liberate Science
Autoren Sarahanne Field, Chris Hartgerink

🔈 This is the transcript of the Open Update. Find the original audio on [00:00:00] Chris Hartgerink: Welcome to the Open Update season three. For Liberate Science. I'm Chris Hartgerink and I'm joined by my co-host Sarahanne Field. [00:00:06] Sarahanne Field: Hello.

Veröffentlicht in Leiden Madtrics
Autoren Sarah de Rijcke, Ludo Waltman, Ed Noyons

Academic research has become increasingly complex, multidisciplinary, collaborative, and transnational. The institutions that underpin research - including communication and evaluation systems - are trying to keep up, with varying levels of success. At the same time, our society is facing major challenges, including existential global health, welfare, and sustainability issues.

Veröffentlicht in Liberate Science

KU Leuven is now an inaugural supporting member of ResearchEquals, sustaining and governing the development of modular publishing. As part of their commitment to Open Science, KU Leuven supports sustainable implementations of Open Access and Open Science through the KU Leuven Fund for Fair OA. The fund is usually only available to non-profits, but ResearchEquals’ governance convinced KU Leuven to support a for-profit initiative.

Fatou Bah, master’s student in the ScholCommLab, attended the 2023 Bromley Memorial event in Washington, D.C. alongside invited graduate students from the University of Ottawa (UOttawa). Organized by the UOttawa Institute for Science, Society & Policy (ISSP) and the George Washington University Institute for International Science &

Veröffentlicht in Chris Hartgerink
Autor Chris Hartgerink

💡 This is a post in a series of Stories From My PhD. For background on this series, read the announcement post. In 2017, I received a Mozilla Open Science Fellowship, which ended up becoming a career defining opportunity. I was able to expand my horizons beyond the academic statistics work I was doing, and started germinating ideas that, after cultivation, resulted in ResearchEquals. This fellowship, however, almost did not happen.

Veröffentlicht in Critical Metascience
Autor Mark Rubin

Tom Hostler has just published an article titled “The invisible workload of open research” in the Journal of Trial and Error’s special issue on the “Consequences of the scientific reform movement: Is the scientific reform movement headed in the right direction?” It’s an insightful and thought-provoking piece that uncovers the potential workload costs of open research, considers why these costs may be ignored by university management,