Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in OpenCitations blog
Autor Silvio Peroni

We are excited to share that COCI, the OpenCitations Index of Crossref open DOI-to-DOI citations, was on 12 May 2020 extended with more than 47 million additional citations , and has reached a total number of more than 702 million DOI-to-DOI citation links between more than 58 million bibliographic entities . The citations added in this the fifth release of COCI came from the most recent Crossref

Veröffentlicht in Leiden Madtrics

For years I had been moving towards a long-cherished dream: pursuing a PhD. In my academic publishing role, the Leiden Manifesto, Leiden Ranking, and CWTS journal indicators had played an important part. The Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS), seemed the most suitable place. However, I was wondering if this would be possible for a middle-aged mother of four living in a small Eastern European country.

Veröffentlicht in Elephant in the Lab
Autor Sascha Schönig

Together with your colleagues Ruth Mayer and Andrea Geier you initiated the petition “Nicht-Semester” (calling for a cancellation of the regular spring semester during the Corona crisis). What are the motivations behind your initiative? Our main argument is that we should see the current situation in higher education in Germany from a realistic perspective –

Veröffentlicht in Scholarly Communications Lab | ScholCommLab
Autor ScholCommLab

“We want to support the evidence-based development of metrics that are appropriate and well thought-out instead of repeating mistakes of the past by creating more flawed indicators.”

Veröffentlicht in Elephant in the Lab
Autor Elias Koch

Mafalda Sandrini Some days ago, a friend of mine told me that while she was grocery shopping, a 60 to 70 years old man shouted at her because she was wearing a mask. She was shocked: how could the man not understand she wanted to protect him? “I could be a weapon to him”, she told me. My friend, as far as she knows, did not have the COVID-19 disease, but she claimed she could not know for sure.

Veröffentlicht in Leiden Madtrics
Autoren Inge van der Weijden, Christine Teelken

Academic organisations have changed substantially in recent decades in terms of their tasks, structure and culture due to increased internationalisation, lower government influence and funding, and larger influence from external stakeholders. Like other public organisations, universities are increasingly financed in an output-oriented manner, and therefore emphasis on performance has grown.