Rogue Scholar Beiträge

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The 8th World Congress on Research Integrity (WCRI) took place in Athens, Greece from 1st-5th June. GigaScience Press are regular attendees of this conference, and this year our organisation was represented by GigaScience Editor-in-Chief Scott Edmunds, Executive Editor Nicole Nogoy, and Data Scientist Chris Armit.

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As an Open Science publisher we’ve pushed for transparency and access in the research that we disseminate, and in GigaByte journal we’ve just published a new open-source software tool “GetFreeCopy” that is demonstrative and addresses many features of this. To tell us more we have a Q&A with lead author Kuan-lin Huang, an Assistant Professor of Genetics and Genomics &

Veröffentlicht in Bastian Greshake Tzovaras

tl;dr : metrics-obsessed capitalism is the reason why we can’t have nice things – and watch @tante’s talk Back in Paris, I was semi-joking with friends about how the rate of technological innovations seem to have slowed down or come to a halt. The last “big” innovation that we could think about were smartphones, as carrying the internet permanently in our pockets was quite a change.

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A novel compression technique ensuring comparable performance with 70% less parameters Author Amanda Kau ( ORCID : 0009–0004–4949–9284) Introduction The sizes of large language models (LLMs) have been steadily increasing over the last few years.

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Autor Wenyi Pi

Enhancing Data Interactivity with LLMs and Neo4j Knowledge Graphs Author Wenyi Pi ( ORCID : 0009–0002–2884–2771) Introduction Since OpenAI launched ChatGPT, a large language model (LLM) based chatbot, in 2023, it has set off a technological wave.

Veröffentlicht in Bastian Greshake Tzovaras

Enoch’s Hammer of Luddite fame, at the Tolson Memorial Museum. I gave a talk at the Pint of Science Festival – an international science festival that takes places at local pubs and cafes across the world – this evening.

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Author Dhruv Gupta ( ORCID : 0009–0004–7109–5403) Introduction Large Language Models (LLMs) have become the new face of Natural language processing (NLP). With their generative power and ability to comprehend human language, the human reliance on these models is increasing every day. However, the LLMs have been known to hallucinate and thus produce wrong outputs.

Veröffentlicht in Jabberwocky Ecology

Back when I had optimistic views of my time, I vowed to do more blogging this year. Sadly, life had other plans. But I return with an update to an earlier post on the Portal rodent community. To recap, in April 2023, my student Pat Dumandan and I were afraid. Afraid that Chaetodipus penicillatus (the Desert pocket mouse) was about to undergo a population explosion.

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Automated Knowledge Graph Construction with Large Language Models — Part 2 Harvesting the Power and Knowledge of Large Language Models Author Amanda Kau ( ORCID : 0009–0004–4949–9284 ) Introduction Knowledge graphs (KGs) are a structured representation of data in a graphical format, in which entities are represented by nodes and are connected by edges representing relationships