Rogue Scholar Beiträge

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Our 1-hour Call on Reproducible Research with R will include three speakers and 20 minutes for Q & A. Ben Marwick will introduce you to a research compendium, which accompanies, enhances, or is a scientific publication providing data, code, and documentation for reproducing a scientific workflow.

Veröffentlicht in rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Autor Pachá (aka Mauricio Vargas Sepúlveda)

Introduction Open Trade Statistics (OTS) was created with the intention to lower the barrier to working with international economic trade data. It includes a public API, a dashboard, and an R package for data retrieval.

Veröffentlicht in rOpenSci - open tools for open science

Version 7.0.0 of drake just arrived on CRAN, and it is faster and easier to use than previous releases.install.packages("drake")Recap Data analysis can be slow. A round of scientific computation can take several minutes, hours, or even days to complete. After it finishes, if you update your code or data, your hard-earned results may no longer be valid. How much of that valuable output can you keep, and how much do you need to update?

Veröffentlicht in rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Autor Mahmoud Ahmed

A few months ago, I wasn’t sure what to expect when looking at fluorescence microscopy images in published papers. I looked at the accompanying graph to understand the data or the point the authors were trying to make. Often, the graph represents one or more measures of the so-called co-localization, but I couldn’t figure out how to interpret them. It turned out; reading the images is simple.

Veröffentlicht in rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Autor Greg Finak

Sharing data sets for collaboration or publication has always been challenging, but it’s become increasingly problematic as complex and high dimensional data sets have become ubiquitous in the life sciences. Studies are large and time consuming; data collection takes time, data analysis is a moving target, as is the software used to carry it out.

Veröffentlicht in rOpenSci - open tools for open science

The drake R package is not only a reproducible research solution, but also a serious high-performance computing engine. The package website introduces drake, and this technical note draws from the guides on high-performance computing and timing in the drake manual.You can help! Some of these features are brand new, and others are newly refactored.

Veröffentlicht in rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Autor Tony Fischetti

Version 2.0 of my data set validation package assertr hit CRAN just this weekend. It has some pretty great improvements over version 1. For those new to the package, what follows is a short and new introduction. For those who are already using assertr, the text below will point out the improvements. I can (and have) go on and on about the treachery of messy/bad datasets.

Veröffentlicht in Science in the Open
Autor Cameron Neylon

For a long time it was difficult for evolutionary biology to make sense of a (male) peacock’s tail. Clearly it is involved in courtship but the investment in growing it, and the disdvantage of carrying it around, would seem to be a disadvantage over all.

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Autor Björn Brembs

For our course this year I was planning a standard neurogenetic experiment. I hadn’t ever done this experiment in a course, yet, just two weeks ago I tried it once myself, with an N=1. The students would get two groups of Drosophila fruit fly larvae, rovers and sitters (they wouldn’t know which was which). About ten larvae from each group would be placed on one of two yeast patches on an agar plate.

Veröffentlicht in Science in the Open
Autor Cameron Neylon

The software code that is written to support and manage research sits at a critical intersection of our developing practice of shared, reproducible, and re-useble research in the 21st century.