Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in chem-bla-ics

Dan (the original Jmol author) has an interesting blog series: How to make money from Open Source scientific software I, II and III. Three more blog items are in the planning. The deal with how to make money from open source scientific software. He wants to be able to skeptically review the software in his field, hence open source.

Veröffentlicht in chem-bla-ics

OpenSource, OpenData and OpenStandards are not as strong in chemoinformatics as they are in bioinformatcs, where it is common knowledge that sharing is a good. Today, the JCIM published on the web an article about the Blue Obelisk movement, which promotes these three idealogies. Several open source projects participate, amongst which the CDK, Jmol, JOELib, OpenBabel, Chemical Markup Language, Bioclipse and Kalzium.

Veröffentlicht in chem-bla-ics

This is the best news I heard in weeks! The US Patent and Trade Offfice spoke with open source representatives about ways to deal with open source software as prior art. Apparently, their problem was how to be sure about release dates of open source, and authoritative sites like, help a lot here, which extensive logging of releases.