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Chemblaics (pronounced chem-bla-ics) is the science that uses open science and computers to solve problems in chemistry, biochemistry and related fields.
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I hacked in a new extension point for Bioclipse yesterday, based on a proposal I made earlier. The new extension point (EP) is called ChildResourceCreator and allows creating child resources for a given IBioResource. One application where this is very useful is the CMLRSS application (earlier blog), or any RSS or Atom enriched with any other XML language.


Yesterday I installed the Eclipse Web Tools Platform again, and now succesfully, using the Eclipse update mechanism, on my Kubuntu dapper eclipse install. Because it has a validating XML editor, the one last thing I still needed jEdit for. (I do miss the vertical selection feature of jEdit, though.) It signals me of errors, and allows autocompletion.


Timo Hannay blogged in Nature’s Nascent blog about the Open Text Mining Interface (OTMI), which is “a suggestion from Nature about how we might achieve text-mining and indexing purposes”. The idea is that each article has a link pointing to a machine readable file containing raw data about (and from?) the article.


As of April 3, I will be working as postdoc in the group of Christoph Steinbeck at the Cologne University BioInformatics Center, or simply CUBIC, for a year. Though no exact plans have been decided upon, the work will include CDK, CML, ontologies, Bioclipse, semantic web technologies, Jmol, and other interesting things. Research areas will at least include QSAR, but I hope to touch bits of bioinformatics too.