

Chemblaics (pronounced chem-bla-ics) is the science that uses open science and computers to solve problems in chemistry, biochemistry and related fields.
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Desktop searching has become a hot topic (some earlier blogs ), now that years of data accumulated on ones hard disk: PDFs, documents, Latex manuscripts, old Java source code, digitized music, and a lot of chemical files. Well, on my hard disk that is. Unlike piles of paper, a computer could search this data, but due to the size an index is required. What’s KDE4 going to offer?


This weekend I continued my work on getting the CDK and Jmol run with free, open source JVMs. Really, a lot works fine, as reported earlier in this blog: JChemPaint works and Jmol almost works (see the Classpath’s FreeSwingTestApps wiki page), and well over 95% of the CDK JUnit tests run without trouble too. So it comes down to identifying what does not run properly, and file bugs for this. For example, 26101 and 26108.


Because I wanted to test internet telephony I downloaded Skype and tried to get it to work on my Kubuntu system. Unfortunately, the Skype version is only, and it does not work well with arts :( That is, using artsdsp it crashes with segfaults whenever I start even a chat, let alone a phone call. This could be worked around by disabling sound in my KDE session, and then the /dev/dsp is open again.


One of the things I had not fully figured out up to today, was how to configure my Kubuntu system to easily view DVDs on our TV, using my NVIDIA’s TV-OUT. I’ve seen xorg.conf files that define a X11 server for the monitor and a second for the TV, and files that use TwinView. Now, I did not really like the way first option worked, so tried the second.


After the three obligatory days of christmas holidays (fun, especially with two children, but very exhausting), it is time to get back to business again. I’m still at my father-in-laws place with only XP installed, so booted the Knoppix 4.0.2 DVD I burned last friday. Eclipse is not working, but being able to use Kmail to read my email again is just what you need as in internet-junkie.