

Chemblaics (pronounced chem-bla-ics) is the science that uses open science and computers to solve problems in chemistry, biochemistry and related fields.
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I reported earlier that the CDK has been updated in CVS to use CML from the new Jumbo 5.0. The transition actually involved a lot of changes in the CDK, some I would like to address in the following comments. One thing is that CML write support (not reading!) uses the new Jumbo library which requires Java 1.5. Thus, if Java 1.5 is not available, then CML writing should not be compiled. This is how this is done.


Where I was able to mention earlier that JChemPaint now runs with free (as in open source) Java virtual machines, I just tried to run the core Jmol renderer, using the which comes as an example. Sadly, the original screenshots got lost there were made with jamvm 1.3.3 and classpath 0.19. It is very slow, however. I have not tried it with other free virtual machines, which are supposedly faster.