

Chemblaics (pronounced chem-bla-ics) is the science that uses open science and computers to solve problems in chemistry, biochemistry and related fields.
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The great thing about open source is that… it’s open. When I was browsing the internet just now, I dropped in on KDE Dot News. In the rightside column, there is a feed of new KDE software from A new version of my favoriate music player, amarok, lured me to the KDE-apps website, where I saw rkward is latest announcement.


I just read that the Kubuntu team wants to include Kat in the dapper release (scheduled for April 2006). Kat is (to be) the KDE equivalent of Google’s desktop search bar. This is great news for us chem-bla-icians, as Kat has support for full text searching of chemistry files! Let’s see if I can get the Kubuntu team to package up kfile_chemical too, which will extend Kat (and KDE in general), with extraction of meta data from chemical documents.


Jerome Pansanel contributed new patches for kfile_chemical; on Monday actually, but I have been busy with other things, among which a presentation I have to give next Monday for some 100+ analytical chemists. The patch adds support to KDE for five new chemical MIMEs: XYZ, Mol2, SMILES, VMD and GenBank. Therefore, I just released a new version (0.10), and added an announcement to


I’ve just uploaded kfile_chemical 0.9 . It has new translations for ES and DA, and plugins for InChI files. It will extract the InChI string as meta data (and will thus be used by the KDE desktop search Kat , and the InChI version number. Thinking about this, it might be useful to extract all layers as meta data, so that one can search on chemical formula and even connectivity, and find all matching structures.