

Chemblaics (pronounced chem-bla-ics) is the science that uses open science and computers to solve problems in chemistry, biochemistry and related fields.
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Web of Science is my de facto standard for citation statistics (I need these for VR grant applications), and defines the lower limit of citations (it is pretty clean, but I do have to ping them now and then to fix something). The public front-end of it is Researcher ID. There is an Microsoft initiative, which looks clean but doesn’t work on Linux for the nicer things, but the coverage of journals is pretty bad in my field, giving a biased


Google has set up a new search enginge specifically for source code: /* Code Search */. Important difference with their normal search engine is that it allows restricting your search by programming language, license and filename and package. I have not been able to figure out how to use ‘package’ yet, but the others are pretty clear.


Today is my 31st birthday, nearing half-point now (statistically seen). Also, by now I should have had my scientific moment of glory, otherwise I can forget that Nobel prize. Oh well, forget it. Have you seen those small advertisements on this page (RSS users, please visit the website :)? Funny links they give. The system is very nice btw: it awaits google indexing of the blog and then decides which ads are relevant.