Patricio Pantaleo guides us through their open browser tabs. Recommends readings on Open Journal Systems, Open Access and Creative Commons licenses.
Patricio Pantaleo guides us through their open browser tabs. Recommends readings on Open Journal Systems, Open Access and Creative Commons licenses.
Bruce Caron guides us through their open browser tabs. What are some of the must-reads at the moment?
Gimena del Rio Riande is Associate Researcher at the Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliográficas y Crítica Textual (IIBICRIT-CONICET, Argentina) ( Her main academic interests deal with digital humanities, digital scholarly edition and publishing, and Open Research Practices in the Humanities.
Bianca Kramer has been scholarly communication/open science librarian at Utrecht University Library for 15 years, and recently moved to an independent consulting/research analyst role as Sesame Open Science, with a focus on open science, open metadata and open infrastructure. Being encouraged to keep “open tabs”, has been an interesting experience - turning something that’s usually guilt-inducing (“I really should be reading this…!”)
Several weeks ago, Cameron Neylon kicked off a good idea to list a few articles he was keen to read and tell us why. Based on 'open tabs' in their browser, approximately every month one person will share their reading wishlists so we can curate some of the 'must-read' posts of the moment. Each author concludes by tagging the next;
Inspired by a conversation on Twitter, Upstream is publishing a new blog series. Each month (ish) one person will post their reading wishlists based on the browser tabs they have open. We'll learn the articles they're most keen to read - and why.